Top Direct Med or BS/MD Programs in the U.S.A

A bs/md medical student smiling and holding a clipboard

Top BS/MD Programs in the U.S.A

Students who want to pursue medicine as a career acknowledge the fact that it is a long and arduous road. But the reward is most definitely worth the effort. As a high school student, if you are someone who has taken the toughest classes and excelled in studies, you need to be aware that the demand of medical school is excruciatingly different. Additionally, you require a tremendous amount of discipline and have organized study habits in case you are thinking of applying to a direct medical program.

The biggest advantage that the U.S. provides to their students is the option of pursuing a pre-med track in biological sciences or even engineering. This keeps the option open for students who may want to change their track and pursue some other specialization. The commitment therefore students wanting to join a BS/MD program has to be immense. Patients count on you; hence, pursuing medicine for the right reasons is very important.

Students must be aware that admission to the direct medical programs is extremely difficult. The subject and extracurricular choices you make in high school will determine your trajectory.

This blog explores a few of the BS/MD programs available in the U.S. This is not a complete list, but it will set you on the journey of exploration with one thing leading to another. Not all BS/MD programs are the same. For instance, BS/MD at Penn State will take only 7 years instead of 8 to complete since they have an accelerated track. You can find direct medical programs at several colleges and universities.

1. Albany Medical College- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute-7 YEAR PROGRAM

Rensselaer’s Biological Sciences Department and nearby Albany Medical College (AMC) offer one of the few accelerated, combined degree programs in the country specifically created to train physician-scientists.  Designed for students who wish to become physicians with a firm foundation in scientific research.  The applications of students are carefully scrutinized and then selected for the interview. Most applicants are academically bright who have high GPA and a high standardized test score.

2. Albany Medical College School of Medicine- Siena College- 8 YEAR PROGRAM

The first of its kind in the U.S is this 8 year combined program between Siena College and Albany Medical College (AMC). In the first four years the students warn a Bachelor of Arts degree from Siena and an M.D. from AMC upon completion of the medical curriculum.

3. Albany Medical College School of Medicine-Union College-8 YEAR PROGRAM

Known as the The Leadership in Medicine (LIM) Program, this is a unique direct-entry program that includes guaranteed admission to Albany Medical College on the condition that students complete the graduation requirement at Union College. The LIM program guarantees admission to Clarkson University-Capital Region Campus for a master’s degree in healthcare management. First-year students who are accepted to LIM can earn three degrees in eight years: a B.S. from Union College, an M.S. or M.B.A. in Healthcare Management from Clarkson University-Capital Region Campus and an M.D. from Albany Medical College.

4. Baylor College of Medicine- Baylor University- 8 Year Program

Baylor is a top-ranked school which boasts of  supportive and diverse service-oriented students, trainees and faculty. In the words of a students, “Baylor provides incredibly diverse clinical training opportunities.” Students get a unique opportunity of learning medicine in  community hospital, private health centers and large academic hospitals. Students feel confident to enter practice due to their experience at Baylor.  Baylor College of Medicine participates in the Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS) and the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS).

5. Boston University School of Medicine-Boston University- 7 Year program

The Modular Medical/Dental Integrated Curriculum is an early assurance program to the BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. Students are required to be  registered in an undergraduate four-year degree program, where atleast 3 years are needed to be taken at Boston University. According to the website, “the last two years of undergraduate study, including at least 64 course units, must be completed in the MMEDIC program at Boston University.”

6. Brown University Warren Alpert School of Medicine- Brown University- 8 Year program

Brown’s Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) is a program that offers a combination of undergraduate education and professional studies in medicine. Every year only 50 high achieving students gain admission into this extremely rigorous program. This is the only Ivy League offering  baccalaureate-MD program. Students should know that this is no way an accelerated medical program, rather it encourages students to imbibe learning by taking advantage of the liberal education. The open curriculum of Brown allows students to leverage this flexibility to gain exposure to varied areas of their interest. 

7. California Northstate University College of Medicine-California Northstate University- 6 Year / 7 Year program

CNU College of Medicine (CNUCOM) has been directly helping in California. The university’s Pre-Medical Post-Baccalaureate (PMPB) is for students who are interested in pursuing dental, pharmacy, medical, dental, and other focused health professional degrees. California Northstate University College of Health Sciences (CNUCHS) is a fully accredited University totally devoted professions related to the health sciences. Admitted students are highly motivated and goal-oriented who enroll in the premedical post-baccalaureate coursework to enhance their undergraduate coursework and prepare for professional school.

8. Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine-Case Western Reserve University-8 YEAR PROGRAM

The Pre-Professional Scholars Program in Medicine requires eight years: four years of  undergraduate study leading to the bachelor’s degree followed by four years in the University Program of the School of Medicine. Students who complete their graduation in less than 4 years, require to pursue other experiences for their overall growth as a student. They have to wait until classes in Medical school begins. MCAT is not required.

9. Drexel University College of Medicine-Cooper Medical School of Rowan University-University of Science-8 YEAR PROGRAM

“Drexel offers a BA/BS+MD Early Assurance Program, a 4 + 4 combined program that allows students to gain early acceptance into both their undergraduate program and medical school at the same time.”The program is open to the following majors on the four-year, one-co-op track:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry (BA)
  • Biomedical Engineering

10. George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences-Florida Atlantic University College of Medicine-Florida Atlantic University-8 YEAR PROGRAM

The Schmidt College of Medicine offers programs admits outstanding students the opportunity to achieve their B.S. and M.D. degrees in 7-8 years. The admission offer is conditional, based on the fact that students maintain the  program standard required to be eligible to the Schmidt College of Medicine.

Besides the ones that are mentioned, the other BSMD programs in the US are

11 University of Pittsburgh/University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine   -7-year program (4 years undergraduate, 3 years medical school) Pennsylvania

12 Syracuse University/SUNY Upstate Medical University 8-year program- New York

13.Stevens Institute of Technology/New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University 8-year program – New Jersey

14 Rutgers University-Newark College of Arts and Sciences/New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University

8-year program- New Jersey

15 University of Illinois at Chicago/University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine- 8-year program- Illinois

16 New Jersey Institute of Technology/New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University- 8 Years -New Jersey

17  Temple University/Temple University Katz School of Medicine Medicine –    7-year program (4 years undergraduate, 3 years medical school)- Pennsylvania

18. University of Colorado/University of Colorado School of Medicine –  8 Year program- Colorado

19.Augusta University/Medical College of Georgia-    8 Year program- Georgia

20.Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine- 8 Year program-Florida

Tips to get into a BS/MD program

  1. Take challenging classes in math and science in high school- Taking advanced coursework in school will help you demonstrate to colleges your interest in these areas and that you are prepared challenge yourself in college. Take AP and Honors courses and maintain a high GPA.

  2. Relevant extracurriculars: As Universities look for students who are committed to the field of medicine, having extracurriculars in this domain will help you showcase your determination. Take up volunteering work, shadowing doctors, medial research etc. These meaningful extracurriculars help you tie in your application with a string narrative.
  3. Prepare to take Standardized tests– All BS/MD programs required students to present either SAT or ACT scores. Having a high score establishes you as a students who has strong conceptual knowledge. Check the colleges to understand the grade requirements.
  4. Recommenders- Recommendations from your teachers are critical in showcasing to the colleges that you are a student with strength and character. A stellar recommendation can go a long way in sealing your candidature in the college.

As these programs are hypercompetitive, it is important for you to stay connected with your counsellor or even work with independent counsellors who have a depth of understanding of the entire process and will guide you toward the right direction.

Ivy Central offers exceptional focus to help you prepare for college admissions throughout the high school years. Start today!

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